Growing South Carolina’s footprint in the new space economy

New Space Economy

CORE SC is putting a stake in the ground for growing a space-oriented economic development cluster in South Carolina. It’s not just about sending rockets to the moon. It’s also about supplying components, research, services and more both on land and in space.

  • Retain our students by expanding STEM degrees and careers

  • Attract highly skilled workers and their family to South Carolina

  • Encourage start-ups and small business in the space-oriented supply chain

  • Expand procurement opportunities with NASA

  • Facilitate STEM opportunities for South Carolina’s youth, especially those in under-served and rural regions of the state.



CORE SC’s motto is “Better Together.” This work isn’t possible without our multi-sector partners participating in our working groups, projects, grant opportunities, and board of directors.

Meet the organizations that make CORE SC’s work possible.